Worst Boss Ever! Feedback

Worst Boss Ever???

Worst Boss Ever?

As promised I wanted to share some of the feedback i received in regard to people’s experience with their worst boss ever.  One response I received was, “Worst boss ever has management experience in fast food and has been hired-with no discernible experience to manage a medical practice. Dropping fries is somewhat different, my friend. Good luck with that.”

How many of us have had to endure having a boss promoted to a job he has no experience in doing?  One of my worst bosses  stated his belief that, “you don’t need to know anything about the process just know how to manage.”  He felt if you can manage effectively you can manage anything.  My question has that been your experience?  How important is it that the manager know something about the business he or she is managing?

Another one of the responses was that their worst boss ever was a bully, manipulator, and overbearing.  My question is two-fold.  First, why do you think people in position of power resort to being this kind of manager?  Secondly, how do you effectively deal with this kind of individual?  Is it worth trying to help this kind of individual?

Anxious to hear your responses

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